
Nehemiah 3 details the biblical story of how individuals split the workload, 一起建了一堵墙. 以这种思路思考, 新葡京app administrators unveiled a Nehemiah “mini-grant” program last spring, 邀请员工提出他们的想法. 我们的愿望是,通过这一倡议, school administrators could better equip our staff to build their sections of the wall. 

In the end, four staff proposals were accepted and approved for funding. 以下是每个项目的现状:

Model UN, Soli Nieves, Marchelle Roniet, James Uitermarkt

Eastern Christian 高中’s Model UN launched this fall and students are anticipating attending two separate events this spring: the SHUMUN, hosted by Seton Hall University in February; and the Global Citizens Model UN in New York City in March.

The organization, which is composed of 27 students, meets weekly during SOAR and after school. 活动期间, students will role play as delegates and ambassadors to the United Nations and simulate UN committees in which they work together with members of other UN teams from other high schools. 为会议做准备, EC Model UN delegates are participating in simulations and preparing for debates. 学生 research their committee work and prepare position papers to actively participate in the conferences. Our students are excited to compete and participate in these conferences in the spring.

这是它成立的第一年, EC’s Model UN is actively learning how to work together to prepare for a successful conference experience in February and March. We are excited to see our delegates collaborating with other high school students and learning about international relations,Uitermarkt说.


Ryan Dykstra has been working with a student team of eight individuals once a week during SOAR. The group is actively soliciting art and literature submissions from the ECHS student body and is expecting to publish a journal at the end of the year.

“A literary journal enriches not only the students who work and contribute to it, but the entire community that it is distributed to. One of our defining characteristics of being human, and one of the characteristics that we reflect as image bearers of God, 是我们的创造力. The literary journal blesses those who read it by reflecting a characteristic of God and directing the reader towards beauty,戴克斯特拉说. 

他补充说, “We hope that students will become cultural influencers, 无论大小, to redirect current cultural trends back toward the worship and glorification of the first creator,戴克斯特拉说.


The Wyckoff campus opened the academic year with the Sensory Calming Corner for students needing additional support. Utilized almost daily by both upper elementary and middle students, 它有多种功能, ranging as a reward for students who accomplish difficult academic tasks, to a safe space for those who are emotionally overwhelmed.

The materials in the Sensory Calming Corner include motion-based calming supplies; tactile input to muscles; fine motor tactile input supplies; visual-based calming supplies; visual-motor calming supplies; auditory-based calming supplies; therapeutic art supplies; devotionals and inspirational wall messages. 

 “The space has been a daily blessing to the students at the Wyckoff campus and it has been a powerful tool in providing an environment that calms emotions and helps regulate the central nervous system very quickly. We are very grateful for the funding that made this space possible,” says Hall.


The Nehemiah mini-grant was used to purchase a number of resources that enabled implementation of Conscious Discipline on the 米德兰公园 campus. Conscious Discipline is a program designed to help educators implement trauma-informed practices to create safe, 支持学校.

“A number of materials were helpful in kindergarten as students learned about identifying their big emotions such as frustration, 担心, 极度兴奋. After my class benefited from the “Feelings Buddies” that teach about recognizing emotions, 我把它们传到幼儿园教室, 他们发现它们也有效吗. CD resources are also used daily to teach students healthy coping skills, including visuals for deep breathing and sensory activities that calm the nervous system and prepare students for higher-level thinking and learning. One resource that I look forward to introducing in the coming weeks are the “Active Calming Tools,” which include a variety of kinesthetic activities to help students learn to regulate their emotions,特兰分享道.

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